Thursday, March 6, 2008

First Spindle Yarn

I have finally ventured into the world of spinning my own yarn. My spindle arrived late this morning, and I bravely picked the worst (to me) color of roving included with my Louet kit and went to town. Had I not watched the spindling episode of "Knitty Gritty"(not to mention just having read all of Spinning Spider Jenny's blog posts with incredible details on how to drop-spin) the included instructions would have confused the heck out of me. As it is, I don't think I'm doing too badly.

There's a lot of hay-like vegetation in this roving. Okay, I'm so new I'm not sure what "a lot" consists of, but I've had to pick out three or four flecks of hay at least once every six feet of yarn. Well I suppose it's good I'm learning on the cheap stuff and not my Twisted Fiber Works pre-dyed roving in all it's groovy colors.

Playing with the spindle has taught me one thing... I'm not too shabby at spinning. I thought I'd be clumsy and awkward, but I've only broken the yarn once, and that's cause I was being distracted and not paying attention. Considering the first time I tried to play basketball I got a fat lip from the ball bouncing back into my face while trying to dribble, I'm happy my lack of coordination doesn't seem to be affecting me in this case. :D Don't get me wrong, I'm not going to be breaking any speed records... I barely seem to have made a dent in this ball of roving... but I'm encouraged enough that my saving my "play money" budget until my birthday so I can buy a spinning wheel seems like a fantastic idea right now. Not the usual "oh, another fad hobby you spend several hundred dollars on and have now quit doing" kind of idea. No, I think this idea is a keeper.

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