Monday, January 4, 2010

Food: Brining the Turkey

Well, since I did NOT make the turkey for New Years, I am making it sometime this week. I managed to get the great bird out of the freezer without avalanching the remaining contents onto my toes (a feat in itself) and it's currently soaking in a sugar/salt brine as it thaws in the fridge. This was one big honking bird... I'll be glad when it's stripped down into its components and the bulk of it is no longer taking up space.

Peanut butter cookies were also made and consumed this week. I cannot bake up all the dough at once. I have to do one dozen every day or they will eat them all in one day. By spreading out the baking, the cookies do last a little longer. One of these days I'm going to triple a batch, get them all baked, then freeze a bunch before they get home.

As you can probably tell, I am fooded out for now... I'd probably be happy with nothing but chinese take-out for the next month or so.


  1. You're making me hungry. I would eat a plate of turkey with a side of peanut butter cookies at my desk

  2. Well, the turkey turned out delicious. I put it in the oven at two in the afternoon, and it was ready by dinner (that was a HUGE bird, let me tell you).

    I'll email you a virtual turkey sandwich and some cookies. :D
