Monday, May 4, 2009

Summer is coming...

My slow season is approaching. Gee, why wouldn't anyone want piles of wool in their lap when it's 110 degrees outside?

As I was cleaning out my freezer yesterday, I decided to make room for the ice bucket and cube trays. As I was filling the ice cube trays with water, I caught myself running the High School Musical 2 song/riff through my head... the one that goes "Summer... summer... summer" all chanty and expectant.

I'm not usually one who's anxiously awaiting the summer months. Even in Minnesota where the summers are noticably cooler than here in Texas, I hated summer. It was hot and sticky, hard to get to sleep, and just generally not fun. I mean, sure, there was no school, but then my grandmother who raised me was a teacher, and we tended to go on trips a lot. At the time I really hated them, because my books and things were at home, and I had to go drive for days to see yet another "interesting" rock formation. Mt. Rushmore was cool, but the South Dakota badlands were a little boring to a 12 year old kid.

I think it's a shame that when I *did* travel, I was too young to appreciate it. Now that I have the perspective to see some of the natural wonders of our country for what they are, I don't have the money or the time to enjoy them.

I think this is why video cameras were invented. This summer when we make a trip up to Minnesota to see my grandparents, I think I'll be shooting lots of video.

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