Monday, February 20, 2012

AoA: Way to go, Sherlock

Husband had been insisting that I watch the BBC production of "Sherlock".  The new one, created by Doctor Who show runner Stephen Moffatt.  Naturally I was intrigued; I love whodunnits and Sherlock Holmes is one of the greatest, most admired fictional characters in history.  The reasons I hesitated are a) the instant Barry recommends something to me, I don't want to see/read/watch it.  Marital rebellion?  I don't know, but I immediately get my back up.  Ask him what happened when he insisted I read "Papillion".  I ordered it, but in French.  b) British television series have VERY short runs.  Full seasons containing only six episodes (compared to US seasons that average 20 to 22 episodes) are not uncommon.  Sherlock runs a miniscule THREE episodes per season.

However, since it was easily accessible on Netflix's Watch it Now service, I finally broke down and watched.  And watched.  And then tracked down season three since Netflix didn't have it yet.  Yes, it's good.

Moffatt's Sherlock is portrayed as having Asperger's syndrome.  It's never spoken of directly, except once in a line by John Watson, and it's said so quickly that you might miss it.  Sherlock is always on the verge of being profoundly bored.  He solves cases not to be of service to the public, but because he canNOT stand boredom.

I think our family is like this.

We are constantly on the lookout for puzzles and games, television and movies, anything that will stave off boredom.  The last time we took a trip to my grandmother's house, I loaded up my laptop with no less than twelve games, brought supplies for four different knitting projects, and of course a Nook e-reader with as many books as I could fit on the SD card.  I did manage to finish two knitting projects and make serious inroads on a third.

I think Sherlock's boredom stems from the fact that he sees so much, and already knows so much, that a mere glance can take in everything about a situation in a fraction of the time.  He doesn't have to converse with someone to get to know them, he sees it all in an instant.

Even though my husband, daughter and I all have Asperger's traits, we are not quite at that level, but our brains run at the same fast-paced speed.  We have trouble sleeping, because our minds are chewing through data.  I got distracted while making lunch today because I was building a new photography background support system in my head, and wondering if I could create a prototype and draw up the plans well enough to get a patent.  Assuming it's a new approach, which I think it is.

You'll have to ask Barry and CC to find out what data they're milling around.

1 comment:

  1. Barry is milling around why KelLee never listens to his recommendations, because they are soooo good :D Also, he can't figure out why this reply won't publish, because the two words are too strange!!
